camerons-crusaderCameron’s Crusaders Inc.’s is a section 501(c)(3) public charity under the Internal Revenue Code. All donations made to Cameron’s Crusaders are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID #47-5365033.

  • $5 could help a parent park for an hour or two at the hospital to see their child.
  • $10 could help a parent pay to take the daily train to the hospital.
  • $20 could pay for a water bill piling up due to hospital bills.
  • $100 could provide a parent a stay at a local hotel for a shower after spending days at the hospital.
  • $500 could help with a mortgage payment being missed due to medical treatments, or may help pay for those medical treatments.

Donors who opt into a recurring monthly donation of $100 or more will be signed up as an Honorary Crusader – which grants you first access to limited-ticket special events, like wine tours and local chef farm-to-table dinners.